cAction Class

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Member of: SynthesisAPI

Represents an action resource.


Name Description
cAction Creates an instance of the cAction class.
cAction() A parameterized constructor for the cAction class. (.NET only)


Name Description
ActionDescription Gets or sets the action description. String.
ActionTaken Gets or sets the description of the action resolution. String.
ActionType Gets or sets a value from the ActionType enumeration, which specifies whether the action record is generic or detailed. Default value = 1 (generic record).
ActualCost Gets or sets the cost to perform the action. Double.
ActualCostPctFacility Gets or sets the percentage of the actual cost allocated to facility costs. Double.
ActualCostPctMaterial Gets or sets the percentage of the actual cost allocated to material costs. Double.
ActualCostPctPersonnel Gets or sets the percentage of the actual cost allocated to personnel costs. Double.
ActualCostPctPersonResponsible Gets or sets the percentage of the actual cost allocated to the database user responsible for the action. Double.
ActualDuration Gets or sets the number of working days from the action's actual start date to its actual completion date. Double.
ActualManHrs Gets or sets the number of billable hours from the action's actual start date to its actual completion date. Double.
ActualStartDate Gets or sets the date the action actually started. Date.
AdditionalCost Gets or sets any other additional costs to perform the action. Double.
Category Gets or sets the action category. String.
CompletionDate Gets or sets the date the action was actually completed. Date.
CreatedByID Gets the numeric ID of the database user who created the action. Integer.
CreatedByNm Gets the display name of the database user who created the action. String.
CreatedDate Gets the date the action resource was created. Date.
FacilityID Gets or sets the numeric ID of the facility associated with the action and the project plan. Integer.
FacilityNm Gets or sets the name of the facility associated with the action and the project plan. String.
FacilityUsage Gets or sets the facility's utilization rate. Object.
FeasibleCost Gets or sets the estimated cost to date, based on how long the action has been in progress. Double.
FeasibleDueDate Gets or sets the expected due date of the action, based on the feasible start date and planned duration. Date.
FeasibleDuration Gets or sets the number of working days from the action's feasible start date to its feasible completion date. Double.
FeasibleManHrs Gets or sets the estimated man hours to date, based on how long the action has been in progress. Double.
FeasibleStartDate Gets or sets the expected start date of the action, taking into account any delays recorded in the project plan. Date.
ID Gets the numeric ID of the action. Integer.
IsCostUserDefined Indicates whether the actual cost/man hours is calculated automatically or user-defined. Boolean. Default value = False.
LastUpdated Gets the date the action was last modified. Date.
LastUpdatedByID Gets the numeric ID of the database user who last modified the action. Integer.
LastUpdatedNm Gets the display name of the database user who last modified the action. String.
MaterialID Gets or sets the numeric ID of the material associated with the action and the project plan. Integer.
MaterialNm Gets or sets the name of the material associated with the action and the project plan. String.
Name Gets or sets the action's name. String.
PercentCompleted Gets the progress of the action. Double.
PersonnelID Gets or sets the numeric ID of the team associated with the action and the project plan. Integer.
PersonnelNm Gets or sets the name of the team associated with the action and the project plan.String.
PersonnelUsage Gets or sets the team's utilization rate. Object.
PersonRespID Gets or sets the numeric ID of the database user responsible for the action. Integer.
PersonRespNm Gets or sets the name of the database user responsible for the action.String.
PersonRespUsage Gets or sets the utilization rate of the database user responsible for the action.Double.
PlanCost Gets or set the planned cost to perform the action. Double.
PlanCostPctFacility Gets or sets the percentage of the planned cost allocated to facility costs. Double.
PlanCostPctMaterial Gets or sets the percentage of the planned cost allocated to material costs. Double.
PlanCostPctPersonnel Gets or sets the percentage of the planned cost allocated to personnel costs. Double.
PlanCostPctPersonResponsible Gets or sets the percentage of the planned cost allocated to the database user responsible for the the action. Double.
PlanDueDate Gets or sets the planned due date of the action. Date.
PlanDuration Gets or sets the number of working days from the action's planned start date to its planned completion date. Integer.
PlanManHrs Gets or sets the planned number of billable hours, based on the planned duration and utilization rate for assigned personnel. Double.
PlanStartDate Gets or sets the planned start date of the action. Date.
Priority Gets or sets the action's priority level. String.
PriorityType Gets or sets a value from the PriorityType enumeration, which specifies the priority level of the action. Default value = 2 (medium priority).
ProjectID Gets the numeric ID of the project the action belongs to. Integer.
ReportAssumptions Gets or sets the description of the assumptions of the test plan, if the action is part of a test plan. String.
ReportResults Gets or sets the description of the results of the test plan, if the action is part of a test plan. String.
ReportSummary Gets or sets the summary report of the test plan, if the action is part of a test plan. String.
ReviewComments Gets or sets comments or other descriptions relevant to the action.String.
ReviewDate Gets or sets the date the action is scheduled for review. Date.
ReviewerID Gets or sets the numeric ID of the database user assigned to review the action. Integer.
ReviewerNm Gets or sets the name of the database user assigned to review the action. String.
ReviewOutCome Gets or sets a value from the ReviewOutcomeEnum enumeration, which specifies the status of the action under review. Default value = 0 (review not required).
ReviewOutComeString Gets or sets the description of the action's review outcome. String.
ShowInTestPlan Indicates whether the action is eligible to be included in a test plan. Boolean. Default value = False.
TestCriteria Gets or sets the description of the the test criteria, if the action is part of a test plan. String.
TestPlan Gets or sets the description of the test plan or procedure, if the action is part of a test plan. String.
TestReq Gets or sets the description of the requirements for the test plan, if the action is part of a test plan. String.
TestReqNotes Gets or sets notes or remarks about the requirements of the test plan, if the action is part of a test plan. String.
TestSampleSize Gets or sets the description of the sample size, if the action is part of a test plan. String.
TestSampleType Gets or sets the description of the type of samples available, if the action is part of a test plan. String.
TestSpecMethod Gets or sets the description of the specifications or methodology of the test plan, if the action is part of a test plan. String.
TestSpecNotes Gets or sets notes or remarks about the specifications of the test plan, if the action is part of a test plan. String.
UDD1 Gets or sets the text in the first user-defined drop-down field. (Limited to 50 characters.) String.
UDD2 Gets or sets the text in the second user-defined drop-down field. (Limited to 50 characters.) String.
UDT1 Gets or sets the date in the first user-defined date field. Date.
UDT2 Gets or sets the date in the second user-defined date field. Date.
UN1 Gets or sets the value in the first user-defined number field. Double.
UN2 Gets or sets the value in the second user-defined number field. Double.
UT1 Gets or sets the text in the first user-defined text field. String.
UT2 Gets or sets the text in the second user-defined text field. String.
UT3 Gets or sets the text in the third user-defined text field. String.
UT4 Gets or sets the text in the fourth user-defined text field. String.
UT5 Gets or sets the text in the fifth user-defined text field. String.

See Also