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Member of: SynthesisAPI.WeibullEvents

Called when an answer to a question is required. Displays a prompt and returns the result.


  • Question( sender As WeibullDataSet, sMsg As String , Buttons As MsgBoxStyle, Answer As MsgBoxResult)


sender: A WeibullDataSet object.
sMsg: The main display label.
Buttons: The MsgBoxStyle that determines the number and display of the buttons. See MsgBoxStyle for additional details.
Answer: The MsgBoxResult that is returned by the prompt. See MsgBoxResult for additional details.

Usage Example

 'Overrides requested. Create a new class, inherit WeibullEvents, and set the dataset's events. 
 Private Class myEvents
     Inherits WeibullEvents
     Public Overrides Sub Question(sender As WeibullDataSet, sMsg As String, Buttons As MsgBoxStyle, 
     ByRef Answer As MsgBoxResult)
         MyBase.Question(sender, sMsg, Buttons, Answer)
             '<Add additional code here.> 
     End SubEnd Class
 'Set the new Events class. 
 WDS.Events = New myEvents
 'Ask a question. Result will be updated in Answer. 
 WDS.Events.Question(WDS, "Continue?", MsgBoxStyle., Answer)