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Member of: SynthesisAPI10Repository


Saves a new cModel object to the Synthesis repository. Returns a Boolean value; when true, indicates that the model now exists in the repository.



where object is a variable that represents a Repository object.


Name Description
mborder="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; cellborder"
Name Status The cModel object to be added.


This example creates a new model in the first available project in a Synthesis repository.

  Dim MyRepository As New Repository
 ...'Add code to connect to a Synthesis repository.   

 'Create a new model. The following example creates a 2-parameter Weibull reliability model, 
 'with beta 1 and eta 100. The model name is "MyNewModel". 
 Dim ModelType As ModelTypeEnum
 Dim ModelCategory As ModelCategoryEnum
 Dim ModelName As String
 Dim ModelParams(2) As Double
 ModelType = ModelTypeEnum_Weibull2
 ModelCategory = ModelCategoryEnum_Reliability
 ModelName = "MyNewModel"
 ModelParams(0) = 1
 ModelParams(1) = 100

 Dim newModel As New cModel
 Call newModel.SetModel(ModelType, ModelCategory, ModelName, ModelParams)

 'Add the new model to project #1. The model will be visible in the Synthesis repository upon refresh. 
 Call MyRepository.Model.AddModel(newModel)

 Dim MyRepository As New Repository
 ...'Add code to connect to a Synthesis repository.   

 'Create a new model. The following example creates a 2-parameter Weibull reliability model, 
 'with beta 1 and eta 100. The model name is "MyNewModel". 
 Dim newModel As New cModel(ModelTypeEnum.Weibull2, ModelCategoryEnum.Reliability, "MyNewModel", 1, 100)

 'Add the new model to project #1. The model will be visible in the Synthesis repository upon refresh. 