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Adds a stress to the data set, using the specified name of the stress, the stress transformation (if any) and the use stress level. The number of stress values used in subsequent calls to AddFailure, AddSuspension, etc. must be equal to the number of stress definitions in the data set (e.g., before you can add a failure time obtained with two stresses, you must add two stress definitions).

The same functionality is access via the Add/Remove Columns window in ALTA.


  • AddStressDefinition( Name As String, Optional StressRelation As ALTASolverLSR = ALTASolverLSR.Exponential, Optional UseStress As Double = 1 )


Name: The name of the new stress definition.
StressRelation: The stress transformation to apply to the new stress, specified using the ALTASolverLSR enumeration.
UseStress: The use stress level.

Usage Example

 'Declare a new ALTADataSet object. See ALTADataSet. 
 Dim ALTADS as New ALTADataSet

 'Add a new stress type with a use stress level of 10. 
 ADS.AddStressDefinition("NewStress1",, 10)

 'Add a failure to the data set (time = 5, 1 failure, stress = 20). See AddFailure. 
 ALTADS.AddFailure(5, 1, 20)