API Tutorials

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Below are simple tutorials to help you get started with using the Synthesis API. The tutorials assume some basic working knowledge in VBA or VB.NET programming, and general familiarity with the Synthesis Platform.


Before you begin, note the following requirements:

  • Install the latest version of the Synthesis application.
Choose File > Help > Check for Updates or download the latest version at http://www.ReliaSoft.com/synthesis/downloads.htm.
Note that for VBA, the bit version (32- vs. 64-bit) of the Synthesis Platform that you've installed must match your installed version of Microsoft Office. If they do not match, you may see an error related to ActiveX controls. (See ReliaSoft KB article RS20024.)
  • Reference the Synthesis API object library.
The object library is located in the folder where the Synthesis application is installed. By default, this folder is at "C:\Program Files\ReliaSoft\Synthesis 10". (For Version 9, it is "C:\Program Files\ReliaSoft\Synthesis 9".) For VBA applications, use the SynthesisAPI.tlb library file, for VB.NET applications, use SynthesisAPI.dll.
To reference the library in VBA:
  1. Enter the VBA environment by clicking the Visual Basic command on the Developer tab (If the Developer tab is not visible, see this Microsoft article).
  2. In the VBA environment, choose Tools > References. (If the References command is unavailable, click the Reset button on the ribbon and then try again.)
  3. Click Browse and find the SynthesisAPI.tlb file on your computer. Click OK.
To reference the library in Visual Studio:
  1. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the References node and choose Add References.
  2. In the Reference Manager window, click the Browse tab and find the SynthesisAPI.dll file on your computer. Click OK.

Object IDs

Each item in a Synthesis repository is identified by a unique record identifier called an object ID. Object IDs can help you trace responses from the API, which is helpful when learning how to use the API to read/write data to a repository.

To display the object ID in a Synthesis application, choose File > Application Setup, then click Other under the Synthesis Settings heading in the navigation panel. Select the check box for Display Object IDs. The object IDs will be displayed for the following items:

Object Where to find the ID
Project The ID is displayed in two locations:
  • The Project Properties window (Project > Management > Edit Project Properties) displays the project's object ID at the caption bar of the window.
  • The Manage Projects window (Project > Management > Manage Projects) displays a column containing the object IDs of each project in the database.
Resource (e.g., models,URDs, etc.) The Resource Manager (Project > Synthesis > Resource Manager) displays a column containing the object IDs of the resources.
Xfmea, RCM++ or RBI system hierarchy item To display the object ID (also called record ID) of a system hierarchy item, right-click any of the column headers in the System Hierarchy panel and choose Customize Columns. Select the Record ID check box.
FMEA records (e.g., functions, causes, etc.) To display the object IDs of FMEA functions, causes, effects, controls and actions, right-click any of the column headers in the FMEA analysis and choose Customize Columns. Select the Record ID check box.



If you're new to the Synthesis API, we recommend starting with the basic tutorials in the order given below.


More tutorials coming soon...