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XML Elements

Actions Sample

<!— The Actions element is optional and may contain zero or more Action elements.
<!— The ActionType Element is required.
<!— An action will be updated if its ActionID matches an original ActionID and if any of the following values differ from the original: ActionType, ActionDescription, ActionResult, DueDate, Owner, StartDate, CompleteDate, SentEmailNoticeDate, Creator. If the ActionID does not match an original ActionID, UpdateOnly is disabled and the action will be inserted if it is valid.
<!— The ActionType Element is required and must contain either an ActionTypeID or Description element.
<!— The combination of the ActionTypeID and/or Description values must match an existing Action Type.
<Description> Incident Action </Description>
<Description> Incident </Description>
<!— The ActionDescription element is required. A maximum of 1000 characters is allowed.
<ActionDescription> Test Action </ActionDescription>
<!— The ActionResult is optional. A maximum of 1000 characters is allowed.
<ActionResult> action results here </ActionResult>
<!— DueDate is required and must contain a Valid Date
<FormattedDate> 08/09/2013 12:00 AM </FormattedDate>
<!— ActionOwner is required and the Login element must contain a Valid User
<FirstName> Joe </FirstName>
<LastName> User </LastName>
<Login> JUSER </Login>
<!— StartDate is required and must contain a Valid Date
<FormattedDate> 08/01/2013 03:45 PM </FormattedDate>
<!— CompleteDate is required and must contain a Valid Date
<FormattedDate>> 08/01/2013 03:46 PM </FormattedDate>
<!— SentEmailNoticeDate is optional and, if present, must contain a Valid Date
<FormattedDate>> 08/01/2013 03:46 PM </FormattedDate>
<!— The Creator element is required and, if present, must contain a Valid User
<FirstName> Sam </FirstName>
<LastName> User </LastName>
<Login> SUSER </Login>
<Details />