cCrew Class

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Member of: SynthesisAPI

Represents a crew resource.


Name Description
cCrew Creates an instance of the cCrew class.
cCrew() A parameterized constructor for the cCrew class. (.NET only)


Name Description
DelayModelID Gets or sets the numerical ID of the task's logistic delay model. Integer.
ID Gets the numeric ID of the resource the crew belongs to. Integer.
IncidentCostModelID Gets or sets the numeric ID of the crew's cost-per-incident model. Integer.
IncludeCrewDelayInCost Indicates whether logistic delay should be included in the task's cost. Boolean.
IncludePartDelayInCost Indicates whether part delay should be included in the task's cost. Boolean.
ItemApplication Gets or sets the item's application. (Synthesis identifier) String
ItemCategoryID Gets or sets the category ID. (Synthesis identifier) Integer
ItemComments Gets or sets the comments. (Synthesis identifier) String
ItemDescription Gets or sets the description. (Synthesis identifier) String
ItemKeywords Gets or sets the keywords. (Synthesis identifier) String
ItemPartNumber Gets or sets the part number. (Synthesis identifier) String
ItemSupplier Gets or sets the supplier name. (Synthesis identifier) String
ItemVersion Gets or sets the version number. (Synthesis identifier) String
LaborCostModelID Gets or sets the numeric ID of the crew's direct-cost model. Integer.
Name Gets or sets the crew's name. String.
ProjectID Gets the numeric ID of the project the crew belongs to. Integer.
TaskLimit Gets or sets the limit to the number of tasks a crew can perform. A value of zero (0) indicates no limit. Integer.
TaskLimitVariableID Gets or sets the numerical ID of the variable that represents the number of tasks that can be performed simultaneously. Integer.