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Returns the bounds on the reliability given time. Use the SetConfidenceLevel method to specify the confidence bound settings.


  • Bounds_Reliability( Time As Double , Optional StartAge As Double = 0 , Optional DutyCycle As Double = 1.0 ) As BoundsValues


Time: The time at which to calculate the reliability.
StartAge: The start age.
DutyCycle: The duty cycle.

Usage Example

 'Declare a new repository connection class. See Repository. 
 Dim MyRepository As New Repository
 'Connect to the Synthesis repository. 
 Dim Success As Boolean = False
 Success = MyRepository.ConnectToRepository("RepositoryFileNamePath")
 'Get the list of Projects in the connected repository. 
 Dim ListOfModels() As NameIdPair
 ListOfModels = MyRepository.GetAllModelsInfo()
 'Select the ID of the model and retrieve it. 
 Dim AModel as cModel
 AModel = MyRepository.GetModel(ListOfModels(0).ID)
 'Get the bounds on reliability at time = 100. 
 Dim ModelBoundsValue as BoundsValues
 ModelBoundsValue = AModel.Bounds_Reliability(100)