cModel.Bounds Unreliability

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Member of: SynthesisAPI9.cModel

Calculates the bounds on the probability of failure at the specified time. Returns a BoundsValues object array that contains the result(s).

You must first use the SetConfidenceLevel method to specify the confidence bound settings, and then use this method to perform the calculations.


.Bounds_Unreliability( Time, StartAge, DutyCycle) 



Double. The time at which to calculate the probability of failure. (Required)


Double. The start age. Default value = 0. (Optional)


Double. The duty cycle. Default value = 1. (Optional)




 'Add code to get an existing model or create a new one. 
 Dim AModel As New cModel
 'Set the confidence level to 90% two-sided bounds. 
 Dim ErrorMsg As String
 CallAModel.SetConfidenceLevel(0.9, ConfBoundsSides_TwoSidedBoth, False, ErrorMsg)

 'Calculate the bounds on the model's probability of failure at time = 100. 
 Dim ResultValue As BoundsValues
 Set ResultValue = AModel.Bounds_Unreliability(100)

 'Output sample: Display the results for the upper and lower confidence bounds. 
 MsgBox (" Upper bound: " & ResultValue.Upper & ", Lower bound: " & ResultValue.Lower)


 'Add code to get an existing model or create a new one. 
 Dim AModel As New cModel
 'Set the confidence level to 90% two-sided bounds. 
 Dim ErrorMsg As String
 AModel.SetConfidenceLevel(0.9, ConfBoundsSides.TwoSidedBoth, False, ErrorMsg)

 'Calculate the bounds on the model's probability of failure at time = 100. 
 Dim ResultValue As BoundsValues
 ResultValue = AModel.Bounds_Unreliability(100)

 'Output sample: Display the results for the upper and lower confidence bounds. 
 MsgBox (" Upper bound: " & ResultValue.Upper & ", Lower bound: " & ResultValue.Lower)