ModelTypeEnum Enumeration

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Member of: SynthesisAPI9

Specifies the model type (e.g., 2-parameter Weibull) for a cModel object, which represents a model resource. The model names marked with an asterisk (*) can be manually created via the API.


Name Description
Weibull1* 1-parameter Weibull
Weibull2* 2-parameter Weibull
Weibull3* 3-parameter Weibull
MixedWeibull2* 2-subpopulation mixed Weibull
MixedWeibull3* 3-subpopulation mixed Weibull
MixedWeibull4* 3-subpopulation mixed Weibull
Exponential1* 1-parameter Exponential
Exponential2* 2-parameter Exponential
Normal* Normal distribution
Lognormal* Lognormal distribution
GenGamma* Generalized Gamma
Gamma* Gamma distribution
Logistic* Logistic distribution
LogLogistic* Loglogistic distribution
Gumbel* Gumbel distribution
WeibullBayesian_NormalPrior Weibull-Bayesian with a Normal prior distribution
WeibullBayesian_LognormalPrior Weibull-Bayesian with a Lognormal prior distribution
WeibullBayesian_ExponentialPrior Weibull-Bayesian with an Exponential prior distribution
WeibullBayesian_UniformPrior Weibull-Bayesian with a Uniform prior distribution
WeibullCFM Weibull competing failure modes
NormalCFM Normal competing failure modes
LognormalCFM Lognormal competing failure modes
ExponentialCFM Exponential competing failure modes
GenGammaCFM Generalized Gamma competing failure modes
GammaCFM Gamma competing failure modes
LogisticCFM Logistic competing failure modes
LogLogisticCFM Loglogistic competing failure modes
GumbelCFM Gumbel competing failure modes
ArrheniusWeibull Arrhenius life stress relationship with a Weibull life distribution
ArrheniusLognormal Arrhenius life stress relationship with a Lognormal life distribution
ArrheniusExponential Arrhenius life stress relationship with an Exponential life distribution
EyringWeibull Eyring life stress relationship with a Weibull life distribution
EyringLognormal Eyring life stress relationship with a Lognormal life distribution
EyringExponential Eyring life stress relationship with an Exponential life distribution
IPLWeibull Inverse power law life stress relationship with a Weibull life distribution
IPLLognormal Inverse power law life stress relationship with a Lognormal life distribution
IPLExponential Inverse power law life stress relationship with an Exponential life distribution
THWeibull Temperature-humidity life stress relationship with a Weibull life distribution
THLognormal Temperature-humidity life stress relationship with a Lognormal life distribution
THExponential Temperature-humidity life stress relationship with an Exponential life distribution
TNTWeibull Temperature-nonthermal life stress relationship with a Weibull life distribution
TNTLognormal Temperature-nonthermal life stress relationship with a Lognormal life distribution
TNTExponential Temperature-nonthermal life stress relationship with an Exponential life distribution
GeneralizedEyringWeibull Generalized Eyring (GER) life stress relationship with a Weibull life distribution
GeneralizedEyringLognormal Generalized Eyring (GER) life stress relationship with a Lognormal life distribution
GeneralizedEyringExponential Generalized Eyring (GER) life stress relationship with an Exponential life distribution
ProportionalHazardsWeibull Proportional hazards (PPH) life stress relationship with a Weibull life distribution
ProportionalHazardsExponential Proportional hazards (PPH) life stress relationship with an Exponential life distribution
GeneralLogLinearWeibull General log-linear (GLL) life stress relationship with a Weibull life distribution
GeneralLogLinearLognormal General log-linear (GLL) life stress relationship with a Lognormal life distribution
GeneralLogLinearExponential General log-linear (GLL) life stress relationship with an Exponential life distribution
CumulativeDamageWeibull Cumulative damage (CD) life stress relationship with a Weibull life distribution
CumulativeDamageLognormal Cumulative damage (CD) life stress relationship with a Lognormal life distribution
CumulativeDamageExponential Cumulative damage (CD) life stress relationship with an Exponential life distribution