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Synthesis API allows the programmer to import XML files into BlockSim. The page contains the logic of that importation. All XML files must first be in XML format before they can be successfully imported. Below is a screenshot of an XML file that this example will show imported and exported.

Method Syntax

Public Function ImportBlockSimXMLFile( ByVal XMLFile As String ) As Boolean
Imports from an XML file to the current project.


XMLFile The path for the XML file to import.

Usage Example

Code Block

' Declare a new repository connection class. 
Private WithEvents MyRepository As New Repository
' Connect to the Synthesis repository. 
DimSuccessAs Boolean=False
 Success = MyRepository.ConnectToSQLRepository("SQLServerPath", "SQLDatabaseName")
' Import the XML File to the Synthesis repository. 
DimSuccessImportXMLAs Boolean
 SuccessImportXML = MyRepository.ImportXFRACASXMLFile("XMLFilePath")

Reformatted Usage Example

Declare a new repository connection class.

       Private WithEvents MyRepository As New Repository

Connect to the Synthesis repository.

       Dim Success As Boolean = False
       Success = MyRepository.ConnectToSQLRepository("SQLServerPath", "SQLDatabaseName")

Import the XML File to the Synthesis repository.

       Dim SuccessImportXML As Boolean
       SuccessImportXML = MyRepository.ImportXFRACASXMLFile("XMLFilePath")