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Synthesis API allows the programmer to import XML files into a current project of BlockSim. The page contains the logic of that importation. The files must XML format supported by BlockSim so they can be successfully imported.


  • ImportBlockSimXMLFile( XMLFile As String ) As Boolean


XMLFile: The path for the XML file to import.

Returns True if successful, otherwise returns False.

Usage Example

' Declare a new repository connection class. 
Private WithEvents MyRepository As New Repository

' Connect to the Synthesis repository. 
DimSuccessAs Boolean=False
 Success = MyRepository.ConnectToSQLRepository("SQLServerPath", "SQLDatabaseName")

' Import the XML File to the Synthesis repository. 
DimSuccessImportXMLAs Boolean
 SuccessImportXML = MyRepository.BlockSim.ImportBlockSimXMLFile("XMLFilePath")