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Connects to an Oracle repository. Returns True if successful, otherwise returns False.


  • ConnectToOracleRepository( Port As Integer, Service As String, Host As String, Schema As String, Password As String)As Boolean


Port: The server port for the Oracle repository.
Service: The repository service identifier.
Host: The repository host identifier.
Schema: The repository schema.
Password: The repository password. (Your Windows login credentials are used for access to the database; use your Windows password.)

Usage Example

 'Declare a new repository connection object. 
 Dim MyRepository As New Repository
 'Connect to the Synthesis repository. 
 Dim Success As Boolean = False
 Success = MyRepository.ConnectToOracleRepository("OraclePort", "OracleService", 
   "OracleHost", "OracleSchema", "OraclePassword")