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Connects to any local repository (MS Access, MS SQL or Oracle).

If the extension of the file is *.rserp, then it connects to the enterprise database described in the file. Otherwise MS Access repository is assumed.

Returns True if successful, otherwise returns False.


  • ConnectToRepository( FileName As String )As Boolean


FileName: The file path of the Synthesis Repository you will connect to.

In this usage example, the API is used to connect to a repository, retrieve one of the models in it and then calculate the reliability at a specified time, based on that model.

 'Declare a new repository connection object. See Repository. 
 Dim MyRepository As New Repository
 'Connect to a Synthesis repository. 
 Dim Success As Boolean = False
 Success = MyRepository.ConnectToRepository("C:\Users\Name\Documents\ReliaSoft\Files\repository.rsr10")
 'Get a list of the names/IDs of projects in the connected repository. 
 Dim ListOfProjects() As NameIdPair
 ListOfProjects = MyRepository.Project.GetAllProjects()
 'Open the first project in the list. 
 'Get a list of the names/IDs of models in the current project. 
 Dim ListOfModels() As NameIdPair
 ListOfModels = MyRepository.Model.GetAllModelsInfo()
 'Retrieve the first model in the list. 
 Dim AModel As cModel
 AModel = MyRepository.Model.GetModel(ListOfModels(0).ID)
 'Calculate the reliability at time = 50 and save the result. See Reliability. 
 Dim Rel As Double
 Rel = AModel.Reliability(50)
 'Disconnect from the repository. 