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Returns the model from the current project with the specified ID. Returns nothing if the model does not exist or is not in the current project.

Note regarding compound analytical models: After you connect to a database and create the cModel using Repository Class (GetModel or GetAllModels methods), the Repository Class must stay connected to the same database until you are done working with the model.


  • GetModel( IDAs Integer)AscModel


ID: The ID of the model to retrieve.

Usage Example

 'Declare a new repository connection class. 
 Dim MyRepository As New Repository
 'Connect to the Synthesis repository. 
 Dim Success As Boolean = False
 Success = MyRepository.ConnectToRepository("RepositoryFileNamePath")
 'Get the list of Models in the connected repository. 
 Dim ListOfModels() As NameIdPair
 ListOfModels = MyRepository.GetAllModelsInfo()
 'Select the ID of the model and retrieve it.  In this example, the first model is used. 
 Dim AModel as cModel
 AModel = MyRepository.GetModel(ListOfModels(0).ID)