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Member of: SynthesisAPI10.Repository

Gets a list of all existing corrective tasks in the current project. Returns a cCorrectiveTask object array that contains the task names, ID numbers and other information.




This example assumes that corrective tasks exist in the first available project of a repository.


 'Add code to connect to a Synthesis repository. 
  Dim MyRepository As New Repository

 'Get a list of all corrective tasks in project #1. 
 Dim ListofTasks() As cCorrectiveTask
 MyRepository.Project.SetCurrentProject (1)  
 ListofTasks = MyRepository.Task.GetAllCorrectiveTasks()

 'Output sample: Display the name and ID of the first available corrective task in the project. 
 Dim TaskName As String
 Dim TaskID As Integer
 TaskName = ListofTasks(0).Name
 TaskID = ListofTasks(0).ID
 MsgBox ("The first corrective task is: " & TaskName & ", ID#" & TaskID)