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Member of: SynthesisAPI10.Repository

Gets a list of all existing task types in the current repository. Returns a TaskTypeInfo object array that contains the definitions, ID numbers, classifications and abbreviations.

Applies only to RCM++ and RBI. In Synthesis desktop applications, the task types are shown in the Define Task Types window.




This example assumes that task types exist in the repository.


 'Add code to connect to a Synthesis repository. 
  Dim MyRepository As New Repository

 'Get a list of all task types in the repository. 
 Dim ListofTaskTypes() As TaskTypeInfo
 ListofTaskTypes = MyRepository.Task.GetAllTaskTypes()

 'Output sample: Display the name and classification ID of the first available task in the project. 
 Dim TaskTypeName As String
 Dim TaskTypeID As Integer
 TaskTypeName = ListofTaskTypes(0).Name
 TaskTypeID = ListofTaskTypes(0).Classification
 MsgBox ("The first task type is: " & TaskTypeName & ", Classification ID#" & TaskTypeID)