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Method Syntax

ImportXFRACASXMLFile( ByVal entityID As Integer , ByVal ImportType As XFRACASImportType, ByVal fileName As String , ByVal fileDescription As String ) As Integer

Uploads an import file for processing and returns the system ID of the uploaded


entityID The ID of the entity to import into.

ImportType The type of XFRACAS Import to utilize.

fileName The file path of the XML file to import.

fileDescription A description of the XML to import.

Usage Example

Declare a new repository connection class.

       Private WithEvents MyRepository As New Repository

Connect to the Synthesis repository.

       Dim Success As Boolean = False
       Success = MyRepository.ConnectToRepository("RepositoryFileNamePath")

Get the list of XFRACAS Entities in the current project in the connected repository.

       Dim ListOfXFRACASEntities() As NameIdPair
       ListOfXFRACASEntities = MyRepository.GetAllXFRACASEntities()

Import the XML file into the entity desired. In this example, the first entity is used.

       Dim ImportXMLSystemID As Integer
       ImportXMLSystemID = MyRepository.ImportXFRACASXMLFile(ListOfXFRACASEntities(0).ID, XFRACASImportType.Incident, "XMLFileName", "XMLFileDescription")