Talk:ALTADataSet Class/Notes

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Member of: SynthesisAPI

Represents an ALTA standard folio. The methods and properties in this class allow you to define a data set and fit a distribution and life-stress relationship to the data.


Name Description
ALTADataSet Creates an instance of the ALTADataSet class.
ALTADataSet() A parameterized constructor for the ALTADataSet class (.NET only)


Name Description
AddFailure Adds a failure time to the data set.
AddFailureInterval Adds interval censored failures to the data set.
AddStressDefinition xxx
AddStressProfile xxx
AddSuspension Adds suspensions to the data set.
AddSuspensionInterval Adds interval censored suspensions to the data set.
Calculate xxx
ClearDataSet xxx


Name Description
AnalysisResults Gets an ALTAAnalysisResults object that represents the likelihood function value estimated from the accelerated life testing data analysis.
AnalysisSettings Gets an ALTAAnalysisOptions object that represents the analysis settings for the accelerated life testing data analysis.
Calculated Indicates whether the data set has been analyzed. Boolean. Read only.
DatasetName Gets or sets the name of the data set. String. If no name has been specified, the default name is "Set 1."
FailureCount Gets the total number of failures in the data set. Integer.
FittedModel Gets the cModel object that represents the fitted model of the accelerated life testing data analysis. From the cModel object, you can obtain results such as the reliability, mean time, failure rate, etc.
GeneralSettings Gets an ALTAGeneralOptions object that represents miscellaneous analysis settings.
NumStresses Gets the total number of stresses in the data set. Integer.
PlotUseStress(Index) Gets or sets the use stress value for a particular stress for use in plots (not calculations). Double. The Index parameter is an integer that specifies the stress index, where 0 = first stress, 1 = second stress, etc.
StressRelation(Index) Gets or sets a value from the ALTASolverLSR enumeration, which specifies the stress transformation of a particular stress. The Index parameter is an integer that specifies the stress index, where 0 = first stress, 1 = second stress, etc.
SuspensionCount Gets the total number of suspensions in the data set. Integer.
UseCalculationProgress Indicates whether to display the progress bar while analyzing the data set. Boolean. Default value is true.