TaskMaintenanceTriggerEnum Enumeration

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Member of: SynthesisAPI

Specifies which event in the maintenance group(s) triggers the task.


Name Value Description
NoTriggers 0 No task is performed.
BlockFails 1 The task is performed when a block in the maintenance group fails.
CorrectiveMaintenance 2 The task is performed when a block in the maintenance group starts corrective maintenance.
PreventiveMaintenance 4 The task is performed when a block in the maintenance group starts preventive maintenance.
Inspection 8 The task is performed when a block in the maintenance group starts inspection.
BlockRestored 16 The task is performed when a block in the maintenance group is restored to operation.


The Maintenance Triggers property of the cScheduledTask class allows you to get or set more than one trigger by taking the sum of the values of the events. For example, a property value of 6 indicates that the task is triggered when a corrective maintenance (value=2) or preventive maintenance (value=4) starts.

Alternatively, you can set a combination of triggers by using the logical Or operator. For example, the following VB.NET code sets two triggers:

  Dim t As New cScheduledTask  
  'Set the property  
  t.MaintenanceTriggers = TaskMaintenanceTriggerEnum.BlockFails Or TaskMaintenanceTriggerEnum.BlockRestored

See Also