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Template Documentation

This template contains table formats that can be applied to any existing table in ReliaWiki. It does not automatically create a table for you; rather it ensures that any table it is linked to will have consistent looking borders and cell padding. (If you don't know how to create a table, see the Notes section below.)

Here is an example of what a generic table looks like when you use this template.

Column 1 Column 2
Row 1 123
Row 2 456
Row 3 789


To use this template, type the code {{Table}} next to the table's opening brackets. For example, below is the code for the example table shown above.

{| {{Table}}
! Column 1
! Column 2
| Row 1||123
| Row 2||456
| Row 3||789


To automatically create a table, you can use the free tool at http://excel2wiki.net/index.php to convert an Excel table into the appropriate wiki code. This template is designed to work with the output you get from that tool.

If you want to learn how to create tables using wiki code, see the tutorial at http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Tables.