Valid Issue

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Revision as of 21:15, 11 February 2015 by John Leavitt (talk | contribs)
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<!—A combination of IssueType, Code and Description must match an existing issue. Only Description is required.
<!— IssueID must be an Integer. If present, the value must match an existing IssueID to import/update.
<!— If the Issue element does not contain an IssueId, than a new IssueId will be assigned.
<!— The Code must contain a String. 20 characters maximum. The Code element is optional.
<!— The Description must contain a string. 100 characters maximum. The Issue element must contain a Description element.
<Description><Verify Corrective Action(s)></Description>
<!— The IssueTypeID must be an Integer. If used, IssueType element must contain an IssueTypeID attribute.
<IssueTypeId> 6 </IssueTypeId>
<!— IssueTypeDescription must be a String. 50 characters maximum. The Description element must have a value.
<IssueTypeDescription> PRR Status </IssueTypeDescription>
<!— If present, IssueDate must be a valid date.
<FormattedDate>06/19/2013 08:21 PM</FormattedDate>
<!— ParentIssue may have Code and IssueID elements.
<!— The Code element must contain a String. 20 characters maximum
<!— IssueID must be an Integer
<!— Retired is optional and must be a valid date if used. Retired is used for retired issues.
<!— Quantity is optional and must be an integer if used.
<!— Amount is optional and must be Money if used (Example: 100.00).
<!— Part is optional and must be a valid part if used.