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Displays a prompt for customized parameters.

Method Syntax

GetDistrParameters( ByVal sender As WeibullDataSet, ByVal sMsg As String , ByVal GetOnlyOneParameter As Boolean , ByVal Params As List( Of ParamInputInfo), ByRef Cancel As Boolean )
Called by ‘sender’ when additional input is required.


sender An WeibullDataSet object

sMsg The main display label.

GetOnlyOneParameter Prompt for only one parameter

Params A list of Parameter input information classes, ParamInputInfo, that would be updated by this prompt. After processing with GetDistrParameters, the Value of each parameter will be updated.

Cancel If the prompt was closed by any means other than clicking the "Okay", this value would be set to True.

Usage Example

Declare a New class that Inherits from WeibullEvents.
Override the method.

       Private Class myEvents
           Inherits WeibullEvents
           Public Overrides Sub Question(sender As SynthesisAPI.WeibullDataSet, sMsg As String, Buttons As MsgBoxStyle, ByRef Answer As MsgBoxResult)
               MyBase.Question(sender, sMsg, Buttons, Answer)
               MessageBox.Show("Additional overridden code here.")
           End Sub
       End Class

Declare the WeibullDataSet.

       Dim WDS as New WeibullDataSet

Use the created myEvents class in place of the one created by the dataset.

       WDS.Events = New myEvents

Creates a new list of ParamInputInfo. Populate the list.

       Dim Params As New List(Of ParamInputInfo)
       Params.Add(New ParamInputInfo("Param1", 0, 10, False, True))
       Params.Add(New ParamInputInfo("Param2", 0, Double.MaxValue, False, True))

Create a Boolean for return of "Cancel" parameter.

       Dim wasCanceled As Boolean

Prompt user to input the parameters.

       WEvents.GetDistrParameters(WDS, "Message1", True, Params, wasCanceled)

The new Parameter values are in their respective ParamInputInfo.Value variables.

       Dim NewParameter1value As Double
       Dim NewParameter2value As Double 
       If Not wasCanceled Then
            NewParameter1value = Params(0).Value
            NewParameter2value = Params(1).Value
       End If