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Display a prompt, and returns the result.

Weibull Declaration

Public Overridable Sub Question( ByVal sender As WeibullDataSet, ByVal sMsg As String , ByVal Buttons As MsgBoxStyle, ByRef Answer As MsgBoxResult)

Called by ‘sender’ when an answer to the question is required.

ALTA Declaration

Public Overridable Sub Question( ByVal sender As ALTADataSet, ByVal sMsg As String , ByVal Buttons As MsgBoxStyle, ByRef Answer As MsgBoxResult)

Called by ‘sender’ when an answer to the question is required.


sender An WeibullDataSet object

sMsg The main display label.

Buttons The MsgBoxStyle that determines the number and display of the buttons. See MsgBoxStyle for additional details.

Answer The MsgBoxResult that is returned by the prompt. See MsgBoxResult for additional details.

Usage Example

Declare the WeibullEvents. Substitute ALTAEvents for ALTA.
Declare the WeibullDataSet. Substitute ALTADataSet for ALTA.
Note: The WeibullDataSet/ALTADataSet constructor already creates a new WeibullEvents, which could be used in place of WEvents in the example below.
Select a message box style. See MsgBoxStyle for additional details.
Declare a result variable. See MsgBoxResult for additional details.

       Dim WEvents as New WeibullEvents
       Dim WDS as New WeibullDataSet
       Dim MsgBoxStyle1 as MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel
       Dim MsgBoxResult1 as MsgBoxResult

Prompts user with "Question1" and returns result in MsgBoxResult1.

       WEvents.Question(WDS, "Question1", MsgBoxStyle1, MsgBoxResult1)